We may have missed the usual Back to School themed shopping window but instead, we've assembled a list of Fall Finds that could serve as a warmup for this upcoming holiday season. Yup, I just said holiday season...it will be here before we know it! Here are some fun and hopefully rewarding stuff for your mind and soul as we (cough cough) head into fall.



#1. Hoverglide Floating Backpack

Hoverglide Floating Backpack

From 1st graders to grown-ups, backpacks are carried by all ages. Backpacks were first invented by Dick Kelty in 1952 as a way to encourage people to explore the outdoors while keeping their belongings with them in a lightweight way. Well now, we can carry as much as we like with this upcoming floating backpack by Hoverglide where the weight of the bag adjusts as you walk/run. It's pretty awesome! It's coming to a Kickstarter soon, so for now, kids will have to carry their books the old fashion way.



#2. Nuts.com Ice-Cream Sundae Kit

Ice Cream Sundae Kit

One of the things to learn while growing up is independence, right? This is a fun, low key introduction in taking that first step on learning (eh-hem) how to make your own ice-cream sundae kit. It's perfect for those Netflix binge nights or celebrating the achievement of turning in that book report.



#3. Daily Harvest Smoothie

Daily Harvest Smoothie

So you want to still keep your New Year's resolution on staying healthy? In contrast to the sundae kit from above, here's another choice: home-delivered healthy smoothies. How does a smooth and tasty protein-filled smoothie delivered to your doorstep sound?



#4. Baron Fig Confidant Hardcover Notebook

Baron Fig Notebook

This is 192-page hardcover notebook by Baron Fig opens wide and FLAT. It may be priced a bit higher but its design will certainly help in many subtle ways as you draw and write up those brilliant ideas.



#5. Pencils


With a great notebook comes a great writing utensil. How about this 0.5 mm mechanical pencil from Uni or a good 'ole cedar wood pencil? We may live in an era of robot vs human, but so far I will keep the mechanics at an arm's length – via my pencils. 😊



#6. Simply Fit Board

Simply Fit Board

Sitting at my desk all day, I didn't think this exercise board would be handy but it actually proved to be amazing. Standing up to twist and turn couldn't be more fun, plus it doesn't take up much space.



#7. Mood Color Changing iPhone Case

Mood color changing iphone case

It will be hard to believe that an iPhone case can read your emotions, but this one can sense your body heat. Through changes in your body temperature, this case alters its appearance and acts as a fun gauge of your mood. Think of it as a modern mood ring. It could be a great help for others to know whether or not to approach you on your off days!



#8. Sony Wireless Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Sony Noise cancelling wireless headphones

For those times when you need inspiration while working through a report or drafting a business plan, being surrounded by sound may help tremendously. Whether it's listening to your favorite beats or podcasts or simply needing to cancel distracting noise around you, having solid wireless headphones like the Sony WH1000XM2 can provide the assistance you need to get through it all. "Smart Listening" is one of the many features that make these headphones amazing. They detect your activity and adjust your ambient noise accordingly.



#9. Light Phone

Light Phone

This clever and very light phone does what phones were initially intended to do: to simply call someone. Both versions 1 and 2 of the Light Phone has an uber minimal design with a smooth interface. The original release (version 1 is currently sold out but can still be reserved) only has 9 numbers for speed dial – giving you freedom away from internet/app distraction.



#10. Master Lock dialSpeed

Master Lock dialSpeed

Even though security is a hot topic these days, how about a tangible but yet digital secure padlock called "dialSpeed" by Master Lock? It has an electronic interface (like what doesn't these days right?) where you can customize multiple passwords with the master code backed up at masterlock.com! It looks easy to use but with the limitation that it must be used indoors so as to avoid getting wet.



As we head into a new season that can be full of activity and stress, it's important to renew our commitments to health, creativity and conquering challenges! Hopefully there's something here that can help inspire or start generating ideas that can get you kick-started for the season to come.

And as always, if you have any interesting products or ideas you'd like to share, let us know by entering a comment below!


Sun Kim
Tagged: Lists