It’s pretty common to make a list of New Years resolutions — things you want for yourself for the coming year, anticipated projects or goals, anything that you wish to accomplish. As a small business, we’re committed to constantly improving, which means we also take a look at our yearly goals.

But when you’re sitting down to make your list, whether it’s a physical list or something you keep inside your head and your heart, consider the importance of connection. 2022 felt like a year full of reconnecting. We were slowly gathering together again after two years of staying indoors, isolated from one another, using technology to communicate and get together virtually. But now that we’re pretty much back in a space where we can get together IRL, it feels a bit like those connections are rusty.

Spending all that time talking to each other through screens definitely took its toll on our communication and connection. It can feel awkward, maybe even uncomfortable, to move back into in-person interactions.

At the end of the day, we’re all humans, and we crave that connection that we’ve been missing for so long. Making the time for your loved ones may have fallen a bit to the wayside, but let it return with a vengeance this year! Host dinner parties, take nature walks, have BBQs (when the weather permits!). There are so many ways for us to reconnect, and 2023 can be the year we finally do it with gusto.

What are some ways you plan to make the year the best it can? Please feel free to enter your thoughts in the comments below. Here's to an amazing year ahead!


Tagged: Perspective