In a series of posts tagged as "Favorite Finds", we want to share with you some of our favorite hangouts and experiences–proof that we do get out from behind our screens. (¬‿¬)

Recently, we visited The 14th Factory, a gallery that showcases several art installations like no other. As stated on their website, it was "Conceived by Hong Kong-based British artist Simon Birch, the vision of The 14th Factory is to create a new, independent paradigm for socially-engaged art, a kind of guerilla action where art occupies and re-energizes underutilized or even derelict urban spaces and gifts them back to the community in the form of a transformative experience." With 14 large scale installations, there is ample space to view the art from afar and up close - allowing you to experience it on a personal level with no other patrons in the room.

A spectacular experience of movement, paintings and audio/video that remind us to be grateful for life. We couldn't help but shoot photo after photo and were definitely inspired. If you're in Los Angeles, we highly recommend visiting The 14th Factory - for it's a beautiful and mesmerizing execution of tech and art.

Story Spark at The 14th Factory


Videos at The 14th Factory


Car Fragments


Crown at The 14th Factory 


Outdoor Installation (I couldn't find the plaque for this one) but it certainly strikes a chord




Story Spark with Yin Yang T-shirt at The 14th Factory

The 14th Factory
440 North Ave. 19
Los Angeles, CA 90031

Tickets: are available for purchase. We bought ours thru EventBrite for $15 pp.

Parking: There is valet parking available for ten bucks. You can also park in the streets but do read the parking signs around.

Food: There was one food truck and there's a coffee bar inside the gift shop.


Sun Kim
Tagged: Favorite Finds